music and art...

Full service from two professionals:
Architect 41 years old married father of two sons.
As a member of a family of contractors, Udi's destiny as an architect was taken for granted as a child when he joined his father on construction sites. As a child, he wandered around scaffolding, excited by the process of turning open spaces into apartments, houses and rooms, wondered about the intricacies of operating systems, got to know, touched and fell in love with materials and learned the technical language of various professionals.
Udi's uniqueness as an architect, beyond the professionalism demonstrated in his projects, stems from a fertile imagination that he has continued to develop since childhood. Along with facts expressed in determining the location of the structure, in perfect dialogue with adjacent structures, taking into account air and sunlight directions, harmonious connection between exterior and interior, accurate design and use of its favorite basic materials: concrete, wood and iron. Before drawing by him the first line in the plans, Udi, theoretically, builds the unique story of the building, a plot story that develops from the ground up, encircles the shell, calls people who are supposed to live or work in it and ends with the fifth front roof that seals his story. The story that runs like a second thread through all the stages of planning and execution, causes a structure that is assimilated into its environment, its presence that merges and becomes a positive fact about time that improves over the years.

Interior Designer 45 years old, married + two daughters.
Aesthetics has always been the language in which Ayelet was good at expressing herself.
Ayelet's incessant work sequence has not dulled in any way from her ability to reinvent herself in every project. Thanks to her individual approach, she manages to reach the capillaries of each client, beyond exposing the basic needs, with great sensitivity. Ayelet discovers the small nuances that may complete her work, to excite first of all, the owners who will be living in the house, and then all those who will enter it. Because according to its motto, interior design must create an emotion and a sense of belonging that cannot exist without feelings and excitement. Thus, each of its projects is characterized differently.
However its pronounced professional stamp can be identified, presumably in the down to the smallest details that are executed in its entirety. And in its connection to culture and art, which is realized in interior design through the planning and design of unique libraries and in each of its projects it takes care to incorporate works of art adapted to the character of the clients and form an integral part of the interior design.

During the years they worked together, before they knew that at some point in their professional trajectory their separate paths would meet and become one broad and inclusive path, there was harmony between them. Eventually, the two realized that their language crossed the boundaries of the text, in many cases, they both reached uniform decisions even without speaking to each other. The professionalism that connected them, inadvertently, was supported by spiritual sides that each revealed to the other.
Ayelet, who has a natural talent for seeing and understanding spaces, has discovered spiritual qualities that have become a design language through which she is able to turn any space into a place steeped in atmosphere and positive energies. Udi, meticulous and precise in small and large details, in his reference to materials, discovered human qualities that originated in nature.
Ayelet and Udi are confident that the pool of positive energies inherent in character will be added to all the success factors in U+A Architecture and Interior Design.



Stay In Touch.

u + a
Arch & Design Studio.
Ben Gurion 1 (B.S.R 2), Bnei Brak,
בן גוריון 1 ( ב.ס.ר 2 ), בני ברק
TEL 03-6178200